These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2024-11-24 16:40:01
Changelog for FileZilla Server (441 changes):
2014-09-19 11:51 codesquid, revision 6094- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/readme.htm
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/FileZilla server.rc
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/FileZilla server.rc
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/install/FileZilla Server.nsi
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/OptionTypes.h
2014-09-19 11:51 codesquid, revision 6093Bump to 0.9.47
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/FileZilla server.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Options.cpp
2014-09-19 09:53 codesquid, revision 6092Update address in welcome message.
2014-09-19 09:41 codesquid, revision 6091Make external IP check more robost wrt. leading/trailing whitespace.
2014-09-18 15:10 codesquid, revision 6090Don't copy too many bytes fixes #9850.
2014-09-18 15:08 codesquid, revision 6089Fix another case of bad math.
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/AsyncSocketExLayer.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Permissions.cpp
2014-09-18 14:11 codesquid, revision 6088Fix some bit-fiddling integer arithmetic leading to incorrect timestamps.
2014-09-18 10:55 codesquid, revision 6087Fix sort dropdown selection when sorted by IP.
2014-09-18 10:54 codesquid, revision 6086Bump protocol version.
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/GroupsDlg.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/MainFrm.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/OptionsDlg.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/UsersDlg.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Permissions.cpp
2014-09-18 09:10 codesquid, revision 6085Allow more than 64k users/groups.
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/Options.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/Options.h
2014-09-17 20:39 codesquid, revision 6084Additional code cleanup.
2014-09-17 20:35 codesquid, revision 6083Remove non-existing file references.
2014-09-17 20:34 codesquid, revision 6082Simplify (and fix) loading of the hand cursor.
2014-09-17 15:57 codesquid, revision 6081Only look in executable directory for DLLs.
2014-09-17 15:30 codesquid, revision 6080Increase size of pending connection backlog.
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/Options.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/Options.h
2014-09-17 15:28 codesquid, revision 6079Save interface settings in application directory.
2014-09-17 14:41 codesquid, revision 6078Display server address in connecting message.
2014-09-16 16:47 codesquid, revision 6077Fix autoban of IPv6 addresses not triggering.
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/GroupsDlgIpFilter.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/UsersDlgIpFilter.cpp
2014-09-16 14:50 codesquid, revision 6076Allow a 60% larger list of IP filters for users and groups.
2014-09-16 14:48 codesquid, revision 6075Install a locking callback. The necessary to do so is a prime example of bad library design.
2014-09-16 14:46 codesquid, revision 6074Sign certificates with SHA256 instead of SHA1
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/AsyncSslSocketLayer.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/AsyncSslSocketLayer.h
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/FileZilla server.vcxproj
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/FileZilla Server Interface.vcxproj
2014-09-16 10:47 codesquid, revision 6073Use DLL wrapper to slightly simplify usage.
2014-08-13 10:10 codesquid, revision 6014Small wrapper for loading and unloading DLLs.
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/ControlSocket.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/MFC64bitFix.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/MFC64bitFix.h
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Options.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Permissions.cpp
2014-08-10 10:35 codesquid, revision 6005Don't misuse FindFirstFile to query attributes for individual files. Since Windows XP we can use GetFileAttributesEx.
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/AsyncSocketExLayer.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/ExternalIpCheck.cpp
- M /FileZilla Server/trunk/source/Interface/OptionsAdminInterfacePage.cpp
2014-08-10 10:32 codesquid, revision 6004Get rid of some memsets.
Remove dead code.